Идеи оформления стен в гостиной - ГНЕЗДО – блог о дизайне

Wall Idea

They say houses and walls help. Well, we believe in it. Suggest ideas for the design of these useful surfaces

Round the result

Spatial geometry experiments are fascinating. The space can be changed without resorting to construction. Rounds on the wall and the doors are completely Changed the room.♪ To this end, the author of the interior needed some painted baths and one simple rule: dark colours were seen as more remote and the lights seemed closer. Math emulsion Jabot, Dulux, OBI, Centra Krasok. Math emulsion Mouse's Back and Hardwick White, all FarrowmakingBall, Manders show. Math emulsion Peppermint Pink 17-19P, Amaranth Rose 18-20P, all Sanderson, Manders show.

We're running the contours.

The flooding of contours is capable of exhilarating not only the eyes, but also... the walls. This simple, but " strong " approach has been used for centuries in a row. Abbreviations of architectural elements, angles, gestures, door boxes, plintus give the space similarities to the architectural sketches that are naturally quoted make it more graphic, bright and memorable. In addition to the walls, individual interior items may also be transformed: consoles, tables, abags. Walls: Maternal emulsion Elephant’s Breath, FarrowBall, Manders show. Red contours: Maternal Poppy emulsion, Disigners Guild, Inc.


If you want to steal the walls with scripts, but nature didn't give you a gift from an artist, take advantage of the trafarets. Remember that big drawings and bright colors are the best view in well-administered rooms. Terre D'Egypte orange matto emulsion, Farrow setsBall, Manders show-rooms; green matto emulsion Borghese Lime, Designers Guild, Interia.