Kitchen Wall Separation Options
By choosing housing outside the city, I want to live in the most appropriate environment. Village houses and brothels are increasingly preferred. No house can exist without a kitchen. This is where most of the time is spent on domestic affairs. The kitchen should therefore be as functional and comfortable as possible, and the kitchen walls in the wooden house should be attractive.
The kitchen in the private house, options for sewing
Starting work: project kitchen
Prior to the start of repairs in any room, design and style must be defined first. Village houses will look good at practically any style and everything depends only on the preferences of the house owners. But many owners believe that the cutting of the kitchen in a happy house should emphasize the beauty and atmosphere of the wooden structure of the house. It's very often a retro, a village or an old-fashioned style.
Council. The space is a small indicator in design choices. Whatever size the room is, it should put the wash, the gas stove, the refrigerator, the desk and the luncheon.
All elements shall not interfere with the free movement of the kitchens. To achieve identity in the wooden house interface is assisted by a compliance instruction separation of wallsthe ceiling and the floor.
Kitchen wall division
In considering how the kitchen walls will be separated in a wooden house, it should be taken into account that the tree is susceptible to planting. Before, in order to avoid unpleasant consequences, it had to wait two or three years, which was extremely uncomfortable. Read in detail "What do the walls in the kitchen, choice of material."
The kitchens in the wooden house are most often separated:
- Stukatural laughs.
- Kraskaya.
- Hypsocartonne.
- Plastic panels.
- Slaughter (paper or fliesel).
- A stick.
Council. The walls will look very well in their natural form. To this end, the surface shall be carefully skimmed and ad hoc coatings which shall serve as the tone and protection of the walls.
Protective means give surfaces:
- Fire safety.
- Vulnerability.
- Persistence to manifestations of mushroom and mould.
Apron in a wooden house
Pharmacy in wooden house, options