Декор стен на кухне - своими руками, 162 фото

How To Steal A Wall In The Kitchen Photo

Расписанные вручную тарелки, украшающие стену кухни, - редко встречающийся способ декора помещенияIt's not information about the windows of the walls of the walls or the cafeteria plate. It's about how to lay walls in the kitchen to intrude the room to individuality. It is not necessary to use expensive accessories or materials. Sometimes there's enough detail. wallsto make your kitchen irrepetitive.

sometimes create an inexorable atmosphere in the kitchen using low-cost materials and creative ideas

Thinking about how to set walls in the kitchen is desirable at the renovation stage. First, you'll figure out how you'll have a kitchen fairway, the distance between the hinges and the water cabinets. Of course, it must be accomplished from a material with which it is easy to flush dirt and fat. Most of the owners choose the cafeteria, but the MDF, plastic panels, wagons, laminates, glass can be made.Фактурная штукатурка на стене - популярный сегодня способ декора помещения You want cheap, hearty and unusual, use the orglass glazing as apron. Underneath it, glue the right colors and the walls.

Choose the decor for the kitchen walls

Generally, the food area is even in the smallest kitchen. The wall you're planning on putting on a dinner table, make an accent. You can glue it with the walls that are different from the walls, you can paint it original. Just take a look at the picture of the kitchen in Network, and you're gonna have ideas about how to lay the walls in your kitchen.

Кухонные стены - настоящий простор для творческих людейSuch a decoration panel would give the kitchen individuality, especially if the plates were handwritten

What can we do with the kitchen walls? Use the ceramic plug, different pieces of beautiful rims, vinyl rims, the tiger (there are different ways of stitching walls), textiles, different penny. The walls in the kitchen can be painted with pictures (especially macro photos - increased photos of products, butterflies, kitchen dwarfs), decorative plates and other kitchen ducks, banks or bottles of original forms.

Ideas for walls in the kitchen area

  • Visual oaths or actual

A combination of different materials will look good on these walls. Now, if all the walls in your kitchen are painted or glued with one-ton walls, let the original walls in the dining area with a large drawing or a de facto thing. If you stop the choice on the actual thing, open it up to the top of the special lac so that it can be better held.

The factory in the depleted zone looks fabulous and elegant, without distracting attention from the main decorative elements

The actual thing is looking good in a kitchen with modern equipment. You can cover her staircase paints that give olive metal, tens of perlamumute.

Для оформления кухни в этническом стиле подойдет натуральный или искусственный камень Историю собственной семьи можно выложить в виде коллажа на кухонной стене Разные виды рукоделия подскажут множество идей для украшения кухни На декоративных полочках можно расставить как необходимые кухонные принадлежности, так и маленькие безделушки